Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Principles of Management Communications Used to Successfully Research Paper

The Principles of Management Communications Used to Successfully Achieve Organizational Objectives - Research Paper Example In other words, in an organizational set up, communication has to involve the transfer of meaning and information from managers to employees and vice versa. The information communicated could take a wide range of forms that may involve symbols, words, numbers, and concepts among others. For any conveyed meaning or information to make sense, the receiver of such information has to make meaning from the conveyed elements. Therefore, considering that communication involves making meaning of the sent information, it would follow that organizations that design effective communication policies in their organizational management would perform much better than those with inferior communication strategies. Any organization has to put in place norms standards of communication that would lead to effective communication that result to change within the organization. Management involves the process of directing others to achieve organizational goals. Managers and employees have to be active listeners and pay attention to details for such communication to be effective. Research in Oncology has revealed that effective listening can be accommodating to others, leading to effective communication (Cohn, 2007). For instance, it is necessary to have communication at the same level. In other words, instead of communicating while one is standing, there is a need for both communicators to sit and have an eye-to-eye contact. Gupta (2013) further elaborates the need to have emotional contact expressed through facial or eye-to-eye contact as well as the use of maintaining a cordial relationship through proper tones, gaze or touch during such communication. Cohn (2007) further elaborates the need to av oid prejudgments during communication by allowing the speaker to express themselves fully without interruptions or unnecessary criticism. Moreover, there is a need to show emotional connectedness with the speaker by reflecting back to

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